IoT for remote monitoring

                Understand equipment usage and performance to enable data-driven product development

                Gain insights into equipment use and performance

Historically, getting insights into how your customers use your products or responding to product failures has been expensive, slow and uncontrolled. IoT remote monitoring is the process of using connected equipment to gain live insights into equipment use and performance. Use these powers to gain data you need to develop new product features faster, more easily update software and firmware, and focus on delivering the capabilities that matter most to your customers. IoT remote monitoring is the first step to climbing the IoT maturity curve.

                Collect real usage data

Forget customer questionnaires and guesstimates—collect real data on how your equipment is used in a production setting for insights into how your customers actually use, or misuse, your products​.

                Build customer loyalty

With insights into how your customers use your products, you can analyze adoption of new features and functions, and arm product development managers with insights needed for data-driven product development.

                Increase equipment quality

Connected equipment sends real-time information on condition and potential failures, as well as enabling IoT remote management of firmware and software updates  to improve operating quality and enhance security.
The numbers tell the story:


Typical percentage of equipment where contact to end customer is lost​1


of attacks on Manufacturers in 2021 occurred by attackers exploiting unpatched firmware​2


of organizations do not have a firmware upgrade plan3

                “If you’re not creating a plan to implement IIoT, you’re falling behind.”

- Larry West, Sales and Automation, KMC Global

Take a closer look at remote monitoring

Historically, equipment makers have had little information about how their products are being used in the field. Instead, they have relied on users to inform them of failures, using inefficient manual processes to manage equipment. IoT-enabled remote monitoring allows internal field service and product development teams to incorporate live data into their service management and product evolution processes.

IoT connected products provide key insights to product managers and product developers, promoting a data-driven product development culture. With data on product use, they can develop new features faster, and also streamline product features to maximize value for customers.

To monitor and identify faults in equipment, remote monitoring generally involves the monitoring of a parameter, such as vibration or temperature. A change in the parameter indicates that a failure is developing. Left unchecked, anomalies can lead to equipment breakdown, incurring substantial costs in repairs and lost productivity.

IoT remote monitoring has two main benefits.

First, remote monitoring enables equipment makers to better understand how customers use their product to develop better, and more value adding features faster—allowing them to:

  • Shift from creating “traditional products” to creating “smart products”
  • Understand product usage
  • Understand which breakdowns have occurred, and why
  • Determing whether the current design of the product and sizing is optimal
  • Accelerate functional improvements and product releases
  • Achieve the same or higher product reliability while reducing costs for parts and components

Second, remote monitoring keeps equipment manufacturers connected to their machines in the field—allowing them to: 

  • Detect and anticipate operational problems before they cause production issues
  • Reduce the number of hours spent assessing equipment status on customer sites
  • Deliver an in depth overview of equipment condition to customers
  • Leverage IoT remote management to ensure that devices are operating on the latest firmware release, and push software and firmware updates for performance and security

                    Connect equipment to boost revenue

Make more money by becoming a smart equipment maker. Firms that connect products using Cumulocity IoT increased incremental revenue by 125% over 3 years from advanced IoT analytics and increased win rate up to 50%. Learn more in this Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Software AG.  

                    Learn the secret to revenue resilience

Our customers with smart, connected products, on average, increase services revenue 30.5 percent, decrease maintenance costs 50 percent, and experience a 23 percent increase in uptime. Are these measurable results you'd like to achieve? Details in this webinar.

                    See how to connect equipment faster

Finding the right IoT partner is the most efficient way to become a smart equipment maker. You'll need IoT analytics to see how to prevent problems with your products and reduce maintenance costs. You may also need a network of experts to guide you. Learn more about the easy-to-rebrand Cumulocity IoT platform.

                    Bet your future on IIoT

Operate smarter using connected assets, real-time data analytics and monitoring on the Industrial IoT (IIoT). Imagine what you can do with a connected manufacturing solution. 

                    Advance your sustainability goals

IoT solutions can help your organization operate more efficiently, unlocking opportunities for green solutions in enterprises, cities and communities. Advance your conservation efforts with new ways to reduce energy consumption, enhance efficiency, monitor quality in real time and keep your systems running at peak performance.

                    Triple your ROI from IoT 

Explore the cost savings & business benefits of Software AG's Cumulocity IoT platform