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See how to truly connect your world with insights from tech experts, your peers, analysts, Software AG partners and industry experts. View webinars on demand whenever it’s convenient. Check back regularly for new content. Interested in upcoming events? See our calendar

                    Leveraging open and modular Edge Computing to accelerate industrial IoT solutions

In this webinar, Software AG and Kunbus delivers insight into securely and reliably connecting embedded devices quicker and easier to make products smarter, avoid vendor lock-in and control upgrade cost. Learn how open-source edge computing (thin-edge.io) and modular industry-grade hardware (Revolution PI from Kunbus) helps configure systems, generate business value and performance metrics quickly, and maintain flexibility and extensibility for the future.

                    Raising the bar on IoT performance

The best vendors don't just talk about reliability, scalability and performance. They measure it, with enterprise-grade reliability built into every IoT solution to find, fix and continuously improve problems. Millions of IoT devices can then feed data into an IoT platform, create digital twins to visualize analytics and even respond to mass disconnects, DDoS attacks and other disruptions. Still there are lingering questions, but this webinar has the answers as to why high performance and scalability is so critical, what kind of performance measurements do enterprises typically run, and what do we at Software AG do that is so unique.

                    IoT at the edge: Switching to EaaS models

Many are seeing the benefits of value-added IoT-enabled services to differentiate products and create new revenue streams. But transitioning from a traditional business model based on product sales to one focused on EaaS (Equipment-as-a-Service) can be challenging. This webinar IoT at the Edge: Moving towards an Equipment-as-a-Service business model will provide with facts from Beecham Research all the unique insights, market trends and expectations into making the revenue model transition much easier.

                    Forrester: 7 must-haves from an IIoT platform

The right platform will accelerate your ROI in IIoT whether you’re connecting equipment to streamline manufacturing operations or to deliver new money-making digital services. But with hundreds of IoT platforms out there, which one is right for you? Hear Forrester Consulting's insights from 10 senior stakeholder interviews on what they look for in an IIoT platform.

                    What’s New in Cumulocity IoT 10.9

The more people who use IoT in your business, the greater IoT’s value to your business. So make IoT for everyone. See how Cumulocity IoT 10.9 empowers more people, with different technical abilities, across your business to get involved in IoT.  If you’re looking to deliver business results faster, you’ll appreciate how Cumulocity IoT 10.9 helps you and your colleagues do more with IoT in less time. 

                    IIoT: The Secret to Revenue Resiliency

When revenue’s been disrupted, XaaS with IIoT is a way to create predictable revenue and margin. Learn what XaaS or outcomes-based sales is all about and the capabilities you need to create and maintain a successful XaaS solution. This webcast is ideal for professionals in field services, sales, product development and manufacturing.

                    See the webMethods Product Roadmap

Led by Software AG’s Sr. VP of APIs/Integration Product Management, Subhash Ramachandran, your product roadmap overview will include a sneak peek of features and functions such as:

  • Hybrid Development & Deployment for Integration
  • Single Control Plane for API Management
  • Self-Service Portal
  • Trading Partner 360 for B2B Integration
  • App Automation for iPaaS

You’ll also get to check out our newest Software AG offering, StreamSets – a data integration platform for the modern data ecosystem.

                    How to Keep your Data Connected as you Move to Azure

Moving to Microsoft Azure is so much more than lift-and-shift. To get the real benefits, you will want to leverage all that Azure has to offer, which will change where your apps and data are and how you access them. Some apps will just move, others will be replaced, while you will also build new apps and data stores. How do you keep your data connected, flowing and accessible, both during and after your move to Azure? Join us to hear about how to tackle this challenge and get maximum value – fast – from your move to Azure.

                    Cashing in on the API Economy

The API economy continues to thrive with new business opportunities you don't want to lose to the competition, so here's how to not stay on the sidelines. Cash in on the API economy, knowing your strategic role, with this webinar, featuring author and expert Matthias Biehl. He dissects the API economy for you to understand the various roles, the types of APIs, the value chain and how you can leverage the economy to help reach your goals.

                    2022 retail trends: what are they and how can you keep up?

Imagine needing to replace your grill for the 2012 summer, and you know exactly what you need, where it is, how to avoid the long checkouts and even finance the purchase with just a button click. That's how it's going to be for the overall customer experience according to Software AG's retail expert Andrew Busby, getting the answers to these questions:


  • How do you differentiate between a simple fad and a potential industry standard?
  • How can you ensure new processes won’t disrupt your current model?
  • What are the risks of not changing?

                    Take Your B2B to the Cloud

The way the world does business has changed, and with it comes a new, modern approach to B2B. In this webinar, you’ll discover how you can simplify the complexity of doing business with B2B integration in the cloud.

                    Securing Your API Integration Ecosystem

With API usage at an all-time high, how do you secure and manage your APIs against growing cybersecurity threats? Brenton House, Senior Digital Strategist for Software AG, will help you understand the API Security basics and walk through how webMethods can help securely manage your API portfolio in 2022. 

                    How to integrate anything easily

Today businesses are adopting hundreds of apps in the cloud. But they still run core systems with critical information on premises. That can be a problem. The solution is an iPaaS that helps you strategically move to the cloud without leaving your core systems behind. The result is new (more reliable) digital capabilities, faster. See how easy it can be to integrate everything using a best-in-class iPaaS.

                    Best Practices in API-First Integration

If you’re trying to innovate faster, improve your customer experience and overdeliver on those transformation goals, you’re not alone. An API-first approach to integration may be just what you need to make it all happen. In this presentation from the Application Architecture Summit, you’ll learn:


  • Best practices for using APIs for app integration
  • How to determine when using APIs or integration is best
  • How to simplify management and improve business visibility across your entire enterprise

Whatever your problem, API-first integration can be part of the solution. Watch Best Practices for API-First Integration!

                    Migrating to S/4HANA is the perfect time to rethink integration

Migrating to S/4HANA is probably one of the biggest IT projects you can tackle. But it’s not just the SAP migration that you’ll be taking on. With SAP at the core of your business, any integrations with SAP also become part of the project.

                    Best practices for monetizing APIs

"Build it and they will come” is not a reality in the API world. Learn from author and expert Matthias Biehl how the most successful innovators build their APIs for monetization from the ground up.

                    Accelerate your API maturity with webMethods APIM

Can you productize your APIs and integrate them with billing solutions to generate revenue? Learn where you are in your API journey and get tips on how to make your API program world class.

                    Building modern foundations for cloud innovation: hybrid integration and iPaaS

In this demo, you’ll learn how to ride hyperautomation trends for the cloud, how to meet an enterprise's multifunction needs and how to empower citizen developers as well as pro-coders.

                    The 5 keys to choosing an iPaaS

The number of cloud applications and data sources is multiplying, and with them, the challenges of integration. Whether you're building services from scratch or modernizing your monolithic applications, all roads are leading to iPaaS. But how to choose? Guest speaker, Forrester Senior Analyst David Mooter, gives his tips on how to find the iPaaS of your dreams.

                    See What’s New in the webMethods Fall Release

See what you can get in the webMethods and webMethods.io 10.11 releases. Learn how to use webMethods DataHub to leverage analytics directly from your integrations. Securely share and transfer files in the cloud using a new MFT solution in webMethods.io. Re-imagine the way you expose your APIs using our new headless Developer Portal. And much more.

                    Onboard your trading partners in minutes!

The faster you can onboard new trading partners, the faster you can get down to business. It’s more important now than ever with disrupted supply chains and the ever-changing conditions of the market. Learn how to create and populate partner profiles in minutes in this webinar.

                    What's Hot in APIs, Integration and Microservices

Get insights from 950 global IT leaders as we take you through the highlights from the new Integration and API Report 2021, an independent research project conducted by Vanson Bourne, that tracks APIs, integration and microservices as they relate to digital transformation. Learn how companies are using APIs, integration and microservices and the benefits/challenges they're seeing. 

                    APIs, Integration & Microservices 102: Why webMethods is #1

Don’t try for digital transformation without the right API, integration and microservices platform. Join Software AG’s VP of Product Strategy (Navdeep Sidhu) as he runs down webMethods’ capabilities and examine why analysts consistently rank it as a leader.

                    APIs, Integration & Microservices 101: Trends & Business Needs

Did you know that there have been 7 generations of integration since the dawn of tech? Join Software AG’s VP of Product Strategy (Navdeep Sidhu) as he explores this and the latest trends in APIs, integration and microservices—and the business needs driving them.

                    Inflationary pressures herald an uncertain future for retail

It has been a tumultuous couple of years: the COVID-19 pandemic, rising inflation, food insecurity, ballooning energy costs and, sadly, a war in Ukraine. For retailers, finding ways to navigate these challenges is priority one. Join Andrew Busby, a top 50 retail influencer at Software AG, and Miya Knights, Owner & Publisher of Retail Technology Magazine, for a discussion to hear how your peers are tackling these unprecedented challenges.

                    Manage the circus! Rethink your approach to process and architecture with ARIS

Are you walking the tightrope of enforcing standards in process and architecture? Too little governance, and the clowns end up running the show. You need a strategy, approach and platform to bring everyone under the same big tent. Join this webinar with expert J-M Erlendson to see how ARIS and the "Methods and Conventions" process can help make you ringmaster.

                    Customer Journey Maps Reimaged – with ARIS and CUBES

Today in business customers are interactive, not static or linear. Hence why you don't wait for customer feedback. You pursue, engage and deploy it. This webinar on customer journey maps in ARIS integrated with CUBES will show you how to build that interaction, design surveys and empower your customers to actively provide the feedback you need.

                    Surf’s up with ARIS! - A TechTalk with J-M Erlendson

What sounds better? Catching a wave or wasting time creating process models, reinventing the wheel and manually placing boxes on the page to satisfy some deliverable? It’s up to you!

Watch this webinar to learn how ARIS makes modeling easy, fast and reliable. Capture business processes in minutes, including connecting activities with the rest of your organization and resources. Use table-based and satellite modelling to have ARIS ask YOU questions and auto-generate your models and deliverables. See how to build a connected process landscape quickly and easily, so you can get back into summer!

                    Accelerate time to value with process mining

Are you familiar with process mining? If not, don’t worry. This webinar featuring experts rom BPM-D, Infosys and Consulta covers the basics, use cases, benefits and an overview of process mining to help solve your business problems and support you on your unique process mining journey. If you're familiar with process mining, you're not alone if you've asked any of these questions:


  1. How long does it take to see the value of the purchase?
  2. Is there a recipe that just works with my data?
  3. What KPIs make the most sense?
  4. Is there an industry standard to measure for a particular process?

                    Your Processes Help Make the World a Better Place

Sustainability is the new normal. And it is disrupting the economy just like digital before it. In this webinar, together with sustainability experts from bgood collective, you’ll learn how to comply with ESG regulations - and customer and investor expectations - while anchoring sustainability in your organization’s operations.

                    Dive deep into the ARIS 10 SR18 Release

This year we celebrate 30 years of ARIS. Our passion for processes is reflected in everything we do - including the features announced in the latest release, ARIS 10 SR18. Get a guided tour of these features - including a better UX, better performance, better search, and better compliance. 

                    Save the Earth with ARIS! A Tech Talk on ARIS Process Mining

In celebration of Earth Day, join ARIS Expert J-M Erlendson on a journey of sustainability through process visibility and improvement. Explore the basics of process mining to reduce waste and see where it can provide value to you and your organization. Come see data in action, helping to provide transparency into operations, give you control to make a difference, and help change really stick with accountability. Learn how to build your first process analysis and plant the seed to sustainable growth and operations.

                    The 3 Pillars of Operational Excellence

Many organizations are still overwhelmed with error-prone and semi-documented processes that are difficult to scale. What's the best solution? Software AG SVP Dr. Helge Hess and our guest speaker, Forrester VP and Principal Analyst Rob Koplowitz, give us objective insight into the right approach, featuring:


  • Process mining provides for process insights and clarity
  • Process modeling and documentation offer collaborative reengineering
  • Task mining provides analysis of user activity and creates an end-to-end view

                    Operational Excellence through agile app development

Digitalization! It's easier said than done - and needs process automation to make it happen. With IT requirements constantly changing, teams need to take a lean, agile approach. That lean agility comes from model-based, no-code development. ARIS can help. See how the Luxembourg Government Administration uses ARIS to describe the requirements of an application from a business perspective and address use cases without needing developer support.

                    Tech talk with J-M Erlendson: loving supply chain with ARIS

Got lots of ARIS models/data but struggling to present process improvement and its value to key stakeholders? Tech expert J-M Erlendson will show you how the integrated dashboarding/visualization tool ARIS Aware makes it easy, walking you through the updated dashboard creator, released in ARIS 10 SR 16! Learn about sourcing, preparation, ingestion, manipulation and rendering of information, basic design and serving up those visualizations in your ARIS Portal.

                    Must-know trends for operational excellence in 2022

The modern working world is a jungle - exciting and full of opportunity, but also complexity and risk lurking around every corner. What’s your plan for 2022? Will you succeed or get lost along the way? Join us on a journey of discovery as our experts run a reality check of the key trends in business transformation and operational excellence.

                    Overcome Transformation Challenges in Telco

Telcos and communication service providers (CSPs) are at a crossroads. Their financial fortunes have suffered as the economic value increasingly shifts to global internet companies. They have an opportunity to become Digital Service Providers, or, alternatively, risk another decade of decline. Join this webinar to learn how to capitalize on the current environment and lock in future success.

                    How Successful Banks Master Their Journey to Operational Excellence

Modern banks are under pressure to lower operating costs to survive in a changing world. The pandemic has only accelerated the change in customer expectations and behaviors, and competition is flooding in from tangential industries. The solution is to adapt the banking business models and deliver new offerings. In this webinar, we speak to leading banks from around the world about how operational excellence has cleared a path to success. 

                    A Deep-dive into the ARIS 10 SR16 Release: Unfold the Value of Change

Agility and smooth processes are at the heart of every successful business and—as a result—at the heart of every successful transformation. ARIS is the platform that makes it possible, and there is now a new wave of innovation in its latest release. See what the ARIS 10 SR16 release offers and how it be put to use today - including how it supports hybrid working. Watch now - business transformation awaits!

                    Achieving and Measuring Value from Business Process Transformation 

Companies must continually adapt their business model to new challenges. To justify change, you first need to understand where value can be achieved, how to activate those channels, and what pitfalls to avoid. Learn key approaches to getting ROI from business transformation projects. See how Software AG has helped companies achieve their ROI goals.

                    Overcome Transformation Challenges in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is on the brink of massive disruption, as half of all factory work will be done remotely by 2024. This means increased complexity. But it also means more opportunity for those with an enterprise-wide approach to adapting, enabling and optimizing business models. Join this webinar to hear how Audi and Siemens have turned obstacle to opportunity in manufacturing.

                    2021 and Beyond: Setting the Benchmark for Future Digital Banking

2020 marked the start of a decade of disruption for banks. Existing technological, demographic and regulatory challenges are exacerbated by the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on economies, working practice, channel access and customer behavior In this era of the

                    Role of Process Mining in Accelerating Digital Transformation

Watch and learn from this conversation with Amar Modi, Practice Director at Everest Group, on the need to change to a digital-first business, barriers to scaling digital initiatives and value realization, the role of process mining in accelerating digital transformation, and more.

                    Achieving a business-aligned IT investment portfolio

We as EA and IT leaders have to recognize and respond to changes in a fast-moving business environment facing challenges with sustainability, shock resilience, digital business model alignment and even cyberattacks. The key to success is a clear view of an IT investment portfolio aligned and realigned as the business environment changes. This playbook will show you how to visualize the road maps and interdependencies between your assets, allowing you to make the right decisions for your business -- fast.

                    Leveraging Value Streams for Agile Delivery and Optimized Operations

Value streams are not a new tool in the arsenal of enterprise architecture (EA) and portfolio management professionals. With Agile approaches, however, they are being put to new use. They can provide fresh insights to support capability- and portfolio-focused EA and investment portfolio management. In this playbook, we look at what value streams are and how they can be used to deliver insights and business outcomes.

                    Playbook: Achieving M&A Benefits with EA & SPM

To get ahead in the market, increasing R&D budgets is rarely enough. For most organizations, a focused M&A strategy is required. To be successful, an M&A strategy needs to be combined with effective execution. Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) are crucial to facilitate cooperation between the teams in the acquiring and acquired organizations.

                    EA and ITPM: Delivering Digital Outcomes with Stakeholder Collaboration

Enterprise Architecture (EA) and IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) are key disciplines for achieving an agile, cost-effective and business-aligned IT landscape. But their true potential is only possible when incorporating the needs and perspectives of a broad set of stakeholders. Budget owners, product designers, risk managers, demand managers, innovation strategists need to be involved in the full process. In this Alfabet Portfolio Playbook webinar, we will look at how innovative collaboration features can support decision making, insights delivery and information exchange in EA and ITPM.

                    Integrating Strategy and Execution in the Agile Enterprise

Gaps in the chain between strategic priorities and software delivery can seriously undermine delivery efforts if priorities change. In this Portfolio Playbook webinar, we look at how to integrate EA and strategic portfolio management (SPM) systems with executions solutions, such as Jira®, for agile alignment of delivery to strategy.

                    Protecting Your Business with EA-based Risk Management

Enterprise Architecture and portfolio management repositories can—and should—be leveraged to assess threats, identify risks, propose mitigations, and monitor mitigation implementation. Find out how in this Playbook webinar which includes a live demonstration of the Alfabet Enterprise Architecture and portfolio management tool.

                    Adabas & Natural: Vision and Roadmap 

See the A&N innovations that will take you to 2050 and beyond in this presentation from Guido Falkenberg, SVP A&N Product Management.