Application Builder for Cumulocity IoT

Get a hands-on introduction to the Application Builder for Cumulocity IoT. Experience a simple, coding-free way to create new front-end applications such as Cockpit or Device Management.

What do I get?

With this offer, you will learn how to:

  • Develop custom applications using the coding-free Application Builder for Cumulocity IoT
  • Extend the default Cumulocity IoT applications to meet specific use case requirements
  • Create one custom application, which demonstrates end-to-end support for a selected use case

With the knowledge gained during this engagement, customers new to Cumulocity will be able to quickly deliver initial value from the platform. Those already using Cumulocity will further their progress toward desired outcomes.

What can I expect?

This is a time-boxed, 3-day engagement. During this time, you are shown Application Builder implementation techniques. Together with the consultant, you will identify possible use cases and set up a first application using Application Builder.

Who benefits from Application Builder for Cumulocity IoT?

IT directors can identify quick wins that support immediate business needs.

Development leaders know their team is enabled to quickly develop front-end applications that satisfy specific business use cases.

Developers profit from hands-on experience with a Software AG expert using available open-source widgets to extend their own front-end application. 

Software AG’s Sales and Customer Success team members can provide pricing details upon request. All business will be conducted in English unless otherwise agreed to by Software AG Consultant and customer. Delivery will occur within customer’s standard business days and standard business hours. 

To learn more about the Application Builder for Cumulocity IoT Fast Track Service, complete the form below.