Cumulocity IoT Device Connectivity

Connecting devices to Cumulocity IoT is one of the first activities new customers perform. With this offer, you will better understand your connection options with Cumulocity IoT and the best implementation approach.

What do I get?

With the knowledge gained during this engagement, you will be able to explore more advanced features of Cumulocity IoT (e.g., dashboards, streaming analytics, and machine learning) that depend on the availability of connected device data.

What can I expect?

This is a 2-day engagement. During this time, you will get an overview of available approaches to connect your first devices to Cumulocity IoT.

Who benefits from the Cumulocity IoT Device Connectivity?

Development leaders get quick wins to show the power of Cumulocity to key stakeholders.

Developers profit from best practices established with a Software AG expert to adeptly connect devices on Cumulocity IoT.   

Software AG’s Sales and Customer Success team members can provide pricing details upon request. All business will be conducted in English unless otherwise agreed to by Software AG Consultant and customer. Delivery will occur within customer’s standard business days and standard business hours. 

To learn more about the Cumulocity IoT Device Connectivity Fast Track Service, complete the form below.