What is IT architecture?

For the competitive enterprise, aligning IT architecture with business goals and processes is essential to achieving business results. IT architecture is a critical enabler that can transform the way an enterprise goes to market, delivers its products and services, and takes advantage of new opportunities.

Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) solutions enable enterprises to more easily understand existing business architecture, determine future needs and manage the transformation of IT architecture to better support the business. When seeking a powerful EAM solution, leading enterprises around the globe turn to the Alfabet Enterprise Architecture Management Platform from Software AG.

Managing IT architecture with Software AG

Software AG’s Alfabet EAM solution offers comprehensive tools that let you understand and analyze how well IT is supporting business goals and where the management of IT architecture can be improved. With out-of-the-box planning and management processes and a proven methodology for aligning business with IT architecture, Alfabet helps enterprises to transform application architecture and IT systems more easily and cost efficiently.

With Alfabet, you can:
• Increase transparency of IT architecture to accelerate IT’s role in innovation
• Improve IT governance through more clearly defined responsibilities and auditable processes
• Optimize cost management of applications and business processes
• Improve compliance by enforcing controls more effectively
• Develop defensible decisions for project funding
• Deliver IT projects on time, in budget and in line with IT and business strategy

Comprehensive tools for IT architecture management

Alfabet helps to create a foundation for business-IT transformation with an accurate, real-time picture of IT architecture. This powerful IT architecture management solution enables you to easily describe complex IT systems in terms of their business, information, application and technical layers and to develop standards for change. Alfabet provides clear visibility of all applications and technologies, how they interrelate, and the business processes and organizations they support.

Software AG’s IT architecture management solution provides a rich feature set that supports all of your EAM needs and includes tools that let you:

  • Create master plans and road maps based on enterprise strategy
  • Develop impact and scenario analyses to identify conflicts in IT architecture
  • Conduct multiple and multidimensional portfolio analysis
  • Monitor compliance with IT standards and granting waivers
  • Perform cost and risk analyses for solution design

In addition to EAM capabilities, the Alfabet product family also includes solutions for IT planning and portfolio management, including project portfolio management and service portfolio management.